The ABCs of Negotiating: Essential Strategies for Successful Deal-Making


I hope all is well on your end. I wanted to write this post to let you know that I have published my first children's book (for adults)! The title of my book is "The ABC's of Negotiating".

I wanted to create a self-help book that adults could read quickly. There are three reasons why this was important:

1) Time is of the essence when you are on the job market.

2) I did not want the book to collect dust on anyone's shelf.

3) I also recognize many of us are very busy.

My goal is to share some basic principles of how to ask for what you want and need. This book will not only help individuals in the workplace but also help individuals become master communicators in their relationships. I also wanted to write a book that resonates with young people. With enough practice, I believe the next generation will become master negotiators.

This book is a resource to release your negotiation woes. If you would like to discuss your personal negotiation skills check out some of the services I offer.

If you know someone who could benefit from this book, please share this post. Let's spread the word that everyone has the power to become a star negotiator!

The book is available in my shop.


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