Meet Your New Best Friend: Dr. Christina Alicia, Your Negotiation Coach and Professional Development Mentor

Hey there! I'm Dr. Christina Alicia Campbell, and I am thrilled to share my passion for negotiation and empowerment with you through Academe180. As the founder of this incredible platform, I've dedicated part of my professional career to mentoring, coaching, and teaching academics and career professionals how to ask for what they want and need in the workplace. So, let's dive into my story and how I discovered the transformative power of negotiation.

Finding My Path

Growing up, I was always drawn to the art of communication. I had a natural inclination to understand people's needs, motivations, and desires. As I pursued my academic journey, I realized that negotiation played a vital role in every aspect of our lives, especially in academia and the professional world.

My Personal Revelation

It was during my own experiences as an academic that I realized the true significance of negotiation. I witnessed brilliant minds holding back, reluctant to ask for the resources, support, and opportunities they deserved. I couldn't stand by and watch talented individuals settle for less when they had the potential to achieve greatness.

Academe180 is Born

Driven by a burning desire to empower others, I founded Academe180. It became my mission to teach academics and career professionals how to unleash their negotiation potential and confidently navigate conversations about their wants and needs. I wanted to create a space where individuals could break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace their power.

Embracing All Professions

While Academe180 initially focused on academia, I quickly realized that negotiation skills were equally crucial for career professionals in any field. So, I expanded my horizons and opened the doors to anyone who believed in their right to have conversations about what they wanted and needed in the workplace.

Breaking the Barriers

One of the biggest challenges I've encountered is dispelling the misconceptions surrounding negotiation. Many believe that it is an inherently confrontational or greedy practice. But in reality, negotiation is a collaborative process that allows us to create win-win outcomes. It's about fostering open communication, understanding different perspectives, and finding common ground.

Unveiling the Secrets

Through Academe180, I've had the privilege of witnessing remarkable transformations. I've seen academics secure research funding, professionals negotiate higher salaries, and individuals advocate for better work-life balance. It's incredibly fulfilling to witness the positive impact negotiation can have on one's professional growth and personal fulfillment.

My Invitation to You

Now, I want to extend an invitation to you. Join me on this empowering journey of self-discovery and growth. Believe in your worth and value, no matter your background or qualifications. Embrace the power within you and dare to ask for what you deserve. Together, we will navigate the art of negotiation, equipped with the essential principles and practical strategies that lead to success.


As I conclude this blog post, I want to leave you with a simple yet profound message: you have the right to negotiate. Remember, when you confidently express your needs and desires, you open doors to opportunities that were once beyond your reach. So, let's embark on this exciting adventure together. Join our Academe180 email list and follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Let's unleash the negotiator within you, transforming your professional life and creating a brighter future.

If you ever want to know how to support a platform, be sure to check out my book, The ABCs of Negotiating, and/or send a message to discuss ways you can help me spread the word that “Everything is Negotiable”.


Negotiations 101: Preserving Beyond No in Negotiating


The Power of Negotiation: Is It Okay to Ask for More?